Pre Care / After Care



Permanent Make Up Pre-Care 

- NO drinking or smoking at least 24 hours before

- NO blood thinning medications at least 24 hours before (otc pain relievers) unless directed by your Doctor 

-Clean and exfoliate the treatment area

- NO tweezing, waxing, or threading within 3 days 

- Absolutely NO chemical peels within 30 days

- Avoid caffeinated drinks 

- Always advise your artist of any medications, health problems or allergies 

- No botox or fillers for 4 weeks 











Lip Blush After Care 

Day 1

Gently blot the treated area with a clean tissue or cotton pad. Avoid any water contact for 24 hours. 

Days 2-7

Apply a rice sized amount of healing ointment to the lips multiple times a day to prevent them from getting dry. Gently wash the lips with a mild soap 2-3 times a day to keep the area clean. 

Days 7-14

Continue to keep your lips hydrated for the best results. 

Tips During Healing 

- NO picking, scratching, or rubbing 

- Drink from a straw 

- Avoid food touching your lips 

-NO excessive sweating 

- NO makeup 

- NO kissing 

Eyebrow After Care 

Day 1

Gently blot the treated area with a clean tissue or cotton pad. Avoid any water contact for
24 hours 
Days 2-14
With clean hands gently wash the brows 2-3 times a day using a mild soap. Gently pat dry, then apply a rice size amount of healing ointment on each eyebrow. For oily skin types reduce amount of ointment to 1 time a day. 


Tips During Healing 

-No picking, scratching, or rubbing 

- Avoid direct sunlight 

-Avoid hair removal near treated area 

-No botox, facials, or fillers for 4 weeks 

- Avoid excessive sweating 

- No makeup until scabs have fallen off  

- No Swimming